Saint Francis of Assisi fervently believed that all species deserved care and respect, just as people do. His compassionate ideas continue to inspire people around the world to this day. As a result, various celebrations, awareness events, and actions of respect for animals take place all over the globe on this special day.

October 4th: World Animal Day
Saint Francis of Assisi is a saint known for protecting animals. World Animal Day makes reference to it and how important animals are in people's lives

World Animal Day at the United Nations

World Animal Day also receives formal recognition in the Universal Declaration of the Rights of Animals, established by UNESCO in 1978. This declaration clearly states that humans have a responsibility to protect and respect animals of other species, ensuring they live in environments that meet their basic needs. Currently, strict laws are in place in many countries to provide greater protection for animals, and any form of cruelty can be reported to the police by calling 190. Abandoning, poisoning, mutilating, harming, capturing wildlife, and subjecting animals to extreme situations are examples of cruelty that are punished by environmental crime laws.

In addition to celebrating World Animal Day, we also observe Nature Day on the same date. This occasion aims to promote the sustainable use of the environment and raise awareness about the importance of preserving it for future generations. Actions such as using alternative transportation and planting trees are common proposals on this day, encouraging the adoption of more sustainable practices in our daily lives.

While some people may associate October 4th with "Dog Day," it's important to note that National Pet Day is officially on August 26th, and National Mutt Day is celebrated on July 31st, along with all other species. Pets are also part of the animal kingdom and deserve to be celebrated and respected on this special day.

In summary, World Animal Day is a meaningful opportunity for us to reflect on the importance of treating all living beings with kindness, respect, and compassion, following the principles of Saint Francis of Assisi and ensuring they live in a better world.