Read the complete Declaration below


• Considering that every animal has rights,
• Considering that ignorance and disregard of these rights have led and continue to lead humanity to commit crimes against animals and against nature,
• Considering that the recognition by the human species of the right to existence of other animal species is the foundation of the coexistence of other species in the world,
• Considering that genocides are perpetrated by humans and there is a danger of continuing to perpetrate others.
Considering that the respect of humans for animals is linked to humans' respect for their fellow humans,
• Considering that education should teach from childhood to observe, understand, respect, and love animals.


Article 1 of the declaration

All animals are born equal in dignity and have the same rights to existence.

Article 2

1 - Every animal has the right to be respected.
2 - Man, as an animal species, cannot exterminate other animals or exploit them by violating this right; he has a duty to put his knowledge at the service of animals.
3 - Every animal has the right to the attention, care, and protection of humans.

Article 3

1 - No animal shall be subjected to cruel or degrading treatment.
2 - If it is necessary to kill an animal, it must be killed instantly, without pain and without causing distress.

Article 4

1 - Every animal belonging to a wild species has the right to live freely in its own natural environment, terrestrial, aerial, or aquatic, and has the right to reproduce.
2 - Any deprivation of freedom, even for educational purposes, is contrary to this right.

Article 5

1 - The declaration guarantees that every animal belonging to a species that traditionally lives in the human environment has the right to live and grow at the pace and in the conditions of life and freedom that are specific to its species.
2 - Any change in this rhythm or these conditions imposed by humans for commercial purposes is contrary to this right.

Article 6

1 - Every animal that man has chosen for his companion has the right to a lifespan in accordance with its natural longevity.
2 - Abandoning an animal is a cruel and degrading act.

Article 7

1 - Every working animal has the right to a reasonable limitation of working hours and intensity, to nourishing food, and to rest.

Article 8

1 - Animal experimentation that involves physical or psychological suffering is incompatible with animal rights, whether it is for medical, scientific, commercial, or any other form of experimentation.
2 - Replacement techniques must be used and developed.

Article 9

1 - When an animal is raised for food, it must be fed, housed, transported, and slaughtered without causing anxiety or pain.

Article 10

1 - No animal should be exploited for human amusement.
2 - Displays of animals and shows using animals are incompatible with the dignity of the animal.

Article 11

1 - Any act that results in the death of an animal unnecessarily is a biocide, i.e., a crime against life.

Article 12

1 - Any act resulting in the death of a large number of wild animals is genocide, i.e., a crime against the species.
2 - Pollution and the destruction of the natural environment lead to genocide.

Article 13

1 - A dead animal must be treated with respect.
2 - Scenes of violence against animals must be prohibited in cinema and on television, unless they serve to demonstrate an attack on animal rights.

Article 14

1 - The declaration guarantees that animal protection and safeguarding bodies must be present at governmental level.
2 - Animal rights must be protected by law, just like human rights.

(*) The Universal Declaration of Animal Rights was proclaimed by UNESCO at a session held in Brussels, Belgium, on January 27, 1978.