It is a problem that affects both large cities and rural areas, and we, as a society, have a responsibility to act. Let's explore this issue further and understand how we can help change the reality for these defenseless animals.

What is the International Day of Abandoned Animals?

The International Day of Abandoned Animals was created as a way to draw attention to the critical situation of animals abandoned by their owners. Dogs and cats are the most common victims, but this reality does not exclude other animals such as rabbits, birds, and even horses. The day aims to highlight the importance of combating abandonment by promoting responsible adoption and raising awareness of the importance of sterilization as a form of population control.

This day is a global reminder that animal abandonment is not just a local issue. In many countries, the number of abandoned animals is growing alarmingly, and many of these animals face a short and painful life on the streets, exposed to diseases, hunger, and violence.

Why is animal abandonment such a serious problem?

An abandoned animal is one of the symptoms of a humanitarian and animal welfare crisisabandoned animal is one of the symptoms of a humanitarian and animal welfare crisis. When an animal is abandoned, it loses not only the comfort of a home but also access to food, clean water, and veterinary care. Most abandoned animals struggle to adapt to the streets, where they are constantly exposed to risks such as traffic accidents, diseases, and mistreatment.

Moreover, abandoned animals directly contribute to the increase in the population of street animals, which in turn overwhelms animal shelters that often lack the capacity to take in all those in need. This results in poor living conditions for animals that end up either on the streets or in overcrowded shelters.

Another issue is that, in many cases, abandoned animals may become aggressive due to a lack of proper socialization and the trauma of abandonment, posing a risk to society.

International Day of Abandoned Animals: How to Make a Difference
Cats with kittens are among the most abandoned animals in the world

The main causes of animal abandonment

There are several reasons why animals are abandoned, and many are rooted in the irresponsibility or lack of knowledge of their owners. The most common causes include:

  1. Lack of Planning: Many animals are adopted impulsively, without their owners considering the long-term commitments that come with pet ownership. When responsibilities such as time and costs become overwhelming, abandonment seems like the easiest solution.
  2. Financial Problems: Keeping a pet can be expensive. Food, vaccines, medications, veterinary visits, and other care can become a financial burden. In times of crisis, many people feel they have no choice but to abandon their animals.
  3. Moving: Moving, especially to places where pets are not allowed, also contributes to abandonment. Additionally, the lack of options for accommodating pets in small apartments can lead to abandonment.
  4. Behavioral Problems: Some owners abandon their pets due to unwanted behaviors such as excessive barking, destruction of furniture, or aggression. These behaviors are usually the result of a lack of proper training and socialization.
  5. Uncontrolled Reproduction: The absence of sterilization leads to the birth of unwanted puppies, which are often abandoned. This creates a vicious cycle, where the number of street animals continues to increase.

How can you help on the International Day of Abandoned Animals?

The International Day of Abandoned Animals is an opportunity for all of us to make a difference in the lives of animals that have been abandoned. Here are some practical ways to help:

  1. Adopt, Don’t Shop: Adopting an abandoned animal is one of the most impactful ways to change an animal's life. Animal shelters and protection NGOs are full of animals waiting for a new home. By adopting, you not only save a life but also help reduce overcrowding in shelters.
  2. Support Local NGOs and Shelters: If you cannot adopt an animal at the moment, consider donating to a local animal protection organization. These organizations rely on donations to continue their work rescuing and caring for abandoned animals.
  3. Volunteer: Animal shelters are always in need of volunteers to help care for the animals, feed them, clean, socialize, and even promote adoption. Offering your time can be a rewarding experience for both you and the animals.
  4. Raise Awareness: Spread the word about the problem of animal abandonment. Use your social media to educate friends and family about the importance of adoption, sterilization, and responsible care. The power of awareness can save lives.
  5. Spay and Neuter Your Pets: A fundamental step in combating animal abandonment is sterilization. By spaying or neutering your pets, you prevent unwanted litters and help control the population of street animals.

The impact of responsible adoption

Responsible adoption goes far beyond just taking an animal home. It means understanding that an animal is a life that completely depends on you for food, shelter, affection, and medical care. It is a long-term commitment that should not be taken lightly.

Those who adopt abandoned animals often report that the experience is life-changing. It's not just about providing a home for a needy animal but also receiving unconditional love and gratitude in return. Adopted animals tend to be incredibly loyal and affectionate, as if they know they were saved from a difficult situation.

Furthermore, adopting an abandoned animal helps reduce the number of animals in overcrowded shelters, creating space for more animals to be rescued from the streets. Every adoption creates a positive cycle, where more lives can be saved.

Together, we can change the future for abandoned animals

The International Day of Abandoned Animals serves as a strong reminder that we all can do something to help combat this sad reality. Whether by adopting, donating, volunteering, or simply sharing information about the issue, every small action counts. Together, we can create a world where no animal is abandoned, where all have the chance to live a safe and happy life.

How about starting now? Share this post on your social media and help spread awareness about abandoned animals. Let’s make this day not just a date on the calendar, but a movement for a better future for all animals.

People also ask

What agency rescues abandoned animals?

In Brazil, the agencies responsible for rescuing abandoned animals vary by municipality. Generally, local governments have a Center for Zoonosis Control (CCZ), which is primarily responsible for rescuing and caring for abandoned or at-risk animals. In addition, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and animal protection groups also play a crucial role in rescuing these animals.

Where can I take an abandoned animal?

If you find or can no longer care for an animal, you can contact your city's Center for Zoonosis Control (CCZ), which has specialized teams to receive animals in abandonment situations. Local animal protection NGOs and shelters are also options for handing over the animal, but it is important to remember that many of these places operate at limited capacity.

Which country abandons the most animals?

Although it is difficult to determine exactly which country abandons the most animals, countries with large populations and less population control infrastructure, such as Brazil and India, face serious abandonment problems. In the United States, for example, millions of animals are turned over to shelters every year, but more control and awareness programs are in place.

What should I do if I find an abandoned animal?

If you find an abandoned animal, the first step is to check if it is injured and, if necessary, take it to a veterinarian. Next, try to shelter it temporarily or contact animal protection NGOs or the Center for Zoonosis Control (CCZ) for support. If possible, help spread the word on social media to find its owner or a new home.