Known for its deep wrinkles and majestic stature, this dog not only charms with its appearance but also with its rich history and loyal temperament. In this post, we will explore in depth the history, physical characteristics, and necessary care for this lovely wrinkled breed.

History and Origin of the Neapolitan Mastiff

The history of the Neapolitan Mastiff is as fascinating as its appearance. Originating from Italy, this breed has its roots in the ancient Roman Empire. Used as war dogs and guardians, they were valued for their courage and strength. The deep wrinkles that make them so distinctive today also served as a form of protection in battles, helping to deflect bites and attacks. Over time, the Neapolitan Mastiff became a symbol of nobility and power, often found in aristocratic properties as a faithful protector.

Neapolitan Mastiff puppies are beautiful and cost on average between 7,000 to 10,000 reais

Physical Characteristics


The Neapolitan Mastiff is immediately recognizable by its distinctive wrinkles, especially around the head and neck. These wrinkles give it a unique, almost anthological appearance. In addition, its imposing size – with males weighing between 60-70 kg and females between 50-60 kg – commands respect and admiration. The short and dense coat can be found in various colors, including black, blue, mahogany, and fawn, all equally elegant and impressive.

Personality and Temperament

Although its appearance can be intimidating, the Neapolitan Mastiff is known for its calm and loyal temperament. They are affectionate and protective dogs with their families, often developing a strong bond with their owners. Their independent nature requires a firm yet affectionate approach to training. It is important to remember that despite their stern appearance, they can be quite sensitive and respond best to positive and consistent training methods.

Care and Maintenance

Caring for a Neapolitan Mastiff involves special attention to its wrinkles. Keeping these areas clean and dry is crucial to prevent skin infections, as moisture can accumulate in the folds. In addition, although they are not extremely active, these dogs need regular exercise to stay healthy and avoid excessive weight gain. Daily walks are recommended. Regular visits to the veterinarian are essential to monitor and prevent common health problems in the breed, ensuring that your wrinkled dog lives a long and healthy life.

Meet the Neapolitan Mastiff: a fascinating wrinkled dog
The Neapolitan Mastiff has an intimidating appearance but is gentle and caring

Caring for the Neapolitan Mastiff in the tropical climate of Brazil

The climate of Brazil can be challenging for the Neapolitan Mastiff, especially in regions with high temperatures and humidity. This breed, with its short coat and deep wrinkles, can suffer from excessive heat, which can lead to skin problems and overall discomfort.

To keep a Neapolitan Mastiff healthy in Brazil, it is important to ensure that they have access to cool and shaded areas, as well as fresh water in abundance. Walks should be taken during the coolest hours of the day, such as early morning or late afternoon, to avoid exposure to intense heat.

Understand that...

With its unique charm and distinctive appearance, the Neapolitan Mastiff is an excellent example of how wrinkled dogs can be both impressive and adorable. If you are considering adding a Neapolitan Mastiff to your family, be prepared for a commitment that requires dedication and care, but one that will surely be rewarded with loyalty and affection.

Frequently Asked Questions

Qual é a raça do cachorro enrugado?

A raça mais emblemática de cachorro enrugado é o Mastim Napolitano. Conhecido por suas profundas e numerosas enrugas, especialmente na cabeça e pescoço, essa raça impressiona pela aparência distinta e porte imponente. Suas enrugas não são apenas estéticas, mas também servem a uma função histórica de proteção.

Qual a raça do cachorro com a cara amassada?

A raça de cachorro conhecida por ter a "cara amassada" é o Bulldog Inglês. Com sua face achatada, focinho curto e expressão enrugada, o Bulldog Inglês é facilmente reconhecível e adorável. Essas características fazem parte de seu charme único e são resultado de uma longa história de reprodução seletiva.

Qual é a raça de cachorro Shar Pei?

O Shar Pei é uma raça chinesa famosa por suas rugas profundas e pele solta. Originalmente criado como cão de guarda e de combate, o Shar Pei possui uma aparência singular com enrugas que cobrem todo o corpo, especialmente na cabeça e no pescoço. Além de sua aparência única, são conhecidos por serem leais e independentes.

O que significa cachorro curvar?

Quando falamos em "cachorro curvar", geralmente estamos nos referindo ao comportamento de um cão de se arquear ou inclinar o corpo, frequentemente como sinal de brincadeira ou submissão. Este gesto pode indicar que o cão está se preparando para brincar ou que está mostrando deferência a outro cão ou pessoa. É uma postura natural e comum em muitos cães, demonstrando suas intenções de interação.